The last day always feels a bit strange, as the unknown faces are not unknown anymore, but it is time to say goodbye, till we meet again. Hands on again today, imaging using various modalities, animal handling and image analysis. I would like to thank all participants who came in Athens and all our speakers, as they shared their experience; next year, I hope that they will all be present. Finally, I would like to thank BIOEMTECH team, as everyone actively participated in the workshop. I really felt like attending an event, where everything was prepared by someone else. I hope that I do not miss someone, but mainly I would like to acknowledge Maritina G. Rouchota who inspired the organization of this workshop, Argyro Zacharioudaki whose experience helped us to make it a reality, Eirini Fetokaki for all the background work and Sofia Lagoumtzi for co-chairing all sessions, even sleepless! And of course, Thodoris, Christina, Nancy, Eliza and Dimitris for the hands on and Natassa for the admin support. For different reasons I would like to thank Sid Ragona Ph.D and Izabela Tworowska for being here and the wonderful discussions we had! The 3rd Workshop is already planned for October 2023, so stay tuned for more!
-George Loudos, Co-founder and CEO at BIOEMTECH.