“Embracing scientists translate ideas into outcomes.”

…by providing the right tools for fast and effective research: meet the eyes series.


    Oncology, Infection, Inflammation

    [18]F imaging with β eye

    Beautiful image of free F-18 accumulating in bones. Image acquired at BIOEMTECH preclinical laboratories Image info: 1h post injection acquisition, 10 min static scan. Total injected dose: 70 uCi / 2.59 MBq


    Oncology, Alpha Emitters

    [225]Ac imaging with γ eye

    In vivo imaging of alpha emitting isotopes made possible, with BIOEMTECH technology. Two beautiful images, from two timepoints: 2h and 24h post injection with a Ac-225 radiopharmaceutical, in an oncology model. Scan duration 10 min. Dose injected: 3.5 uCi / 0.13 Mbq. Images acquired at Radiomedix laboratories.