The only preclinical imaging platform allowing for fast in vivo screening of SPECT and alpha-emitting isotope radiopharmaceuticals

- Small animal, SPECT and alpha-emitting isotope live imaging platform
- Real time, whole body imaging since time zero post injection
- Fast screening of radiolabeled compounds
- User interchangeable collimators for optimizing parameters on a wide range of applications
- Compatible with 3rd party anesthesia and Vital Signs monitoring system
- Extended version available, for up to 4 mice or 1 rat imaging

- State-of-the-art detector characteristics
- <2mm spatial resolution
- Down to 10 sec frames for whole body scans
- Energy resolution down to 19%
- Detectable energy range 35-500 keV
- Weight less than 50kg
- Dimensions: 43cm (L) x 46cm (W) x 43cm (H)

Definition of a user friendly platform
- Straightforward workflow with easy imaging protocol set-up
- Plain to operate by non highly-experienced professionals
- Footprint allowing for simple system installation and transfer
- Ideal for imaging inside a clean room, or next to a cyclotron
- Visual | eyes™ software hub for post processing of imaging data
Tc-99m imaging using the γ-eye™
Study conducted on a healthy mouse that was injected intravenously with 500μCi (first image from the left) and 300μCi (two subsequent images). We can observe the kinetics of the compound into the body of the mouse, as well as its accumulation at the liver and kidney.
Oncology, SPECT
In-111 Dotatate imaging using the γ-eye™
The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of In-111 Dotatate in targeting tumors, with and without the additional use of tumor protection. The images were acquired 3 hours post-injection, with a 6 min static scan. The total injected dose was 108 µCi /3.99 MBq.
Lu-177 imaging using the γ-eye™
In vivo imaging of Lu-177 on a model with nanoparticles targeting bones. Image info: 24 h post injection acquisition, 20 min static scan. Total injected dose is 540 μCi / 19.98 MBq.
Oncology, alpha-emitters, SPECT
Ac-225 imaging using the γ-eye™
In vivo imaging of alpha-emitting isotopes made possible, with BIOEMTECH technology. Two illustrative images, from two timepoints: 2h and 24h post injection with a Ac-225 radiopharmaceutical, in an oncology model. Image info: Scan duration 10 min. Dose injected: 3.5 μCi / 0.13 Mbq. Images acquired at Radiomedix laboratories.
- A fluorophore-conjugated reagent enabling rapid detection, isolation and live tracking of senescent cellsRead More
- A technique to quantify very low activities in regions of interest with a collimatorless detectorRead More
- Preparation, Radiolabeling with 68Ga/177Lu and Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Angiotensin Peptide Analog: A New Class of Peptides for Breast Cancer TargetingRead More
- Preclinical Evaluation of a Lead Specific Chelator (PSC) Conjugated to Radiopeptides for 203Pb and 212Pb-Based TheranosticsRead More
- Practical considerations for navigating the regulatory landscape of non‑clinical studies for clinical translation of radiopharmaceuticalsRead More
- β-eye™: A benchtop system for in vivo molecular screening of labeled compoundsRead More
- Evaluation of Hamamatsu H13974 Large Sensitive Area Flat Panel PMT Array for Use in Small Animal Imaging and ScintimammographyRead More
- Characterization of “γ-eye™”: a Low-Cost Benchtop Mouse-Sized Gamma Camera for Dynamic and Static Imaging StudiesRead More
- 212Pb-DOTAM-peptide targeting LDLR-receptors in glioblastoma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaRead More

Looking for more info on the γ-eye™ and its applications?
Download the γ-eye™ Brochure