BET Solutions was present in the ECMP-2016 during 1st – 4th of September. BET’s members did present several topics in the following sessions:

Friday, 11:00-12:00, Session: Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
“Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry: A Monte Carlo Study On S-Value Variability Due To Patient Specific Characteristics”
Speaker: V. Iliadou

Friday, 12:00-13:00, Session: Nuclear Medicine
“γ-eye: A Paradigm Shift In Scintigraphic Mouse Imaging”
Speaker: M. Georgiou

Saturday, 12:00-13:00, Session: Imaging
“Α PET/SPECT/X-RAY Prototype for Whole Body Mouse Imaging”
Speaker: M. Georgiou

Saturday, 16:30-18:00, Session: Gate: A Monte Carlo Code For Imaging And Dosimetry In Medical Physics
“Using GATE for radiation therapy applications”
Speaker: P. Papadimitroulas

The updated program of the conference can be downloaded here.