RadioMedix and BIOEMTECH obtain the first preclinical images of Ac-225 accumulation on tumors!

RadioMedix and BIOEMTECH obtain the first preclinical images of Ac-225 accumulation on tumors!
Ac-225 is a very promising therapeutic isotope for in vivo generation of alpha-particles. Still, it has a complicated decay scheme, and it needs to be administered at very low activities. Thus, imaging of Ac-225 is rather challenging and up to now, no preclinical Ac-225 images were published. While there is room for further improvement, Radiomedix, Inc. and BIOEMTECH are proud to present the first preclinical in vivo images of Ac-225 labeled compounds; Small tumors are clearly visible using a scanning time of only 10 min, with total administered activity of <3 uCi! RadioMedix is a clinical-stage biotechnology company, based in Houston, Texas, focused on innovative targeted radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosismonitoring, and therapy of cancer. BIOEMTECH is based in Athens, Greece, and follows a unique model of combining advanced CRO preclinical services with multiyear experience in designing desktop molecular imaging systems. RadioMedix has selected BIOEMTECH γ-eye for its Small Animal Molecular Imaging Center, due to its unique capability of real time imaging at short time frames and low administered activities. Following a series of tests performed at RadioMedix, BIOEMTECH has optimized the hardware and software components of γ-eye imaging systems for Ac-225. We are very excited to work with Izabela TworowskaLeo Garcia Flores II and the rest of Radiomedix group and we will continue providing the best possible tools for preclinical imaging of alpha-emitters!