Software Tools

BIOEMTECH Software team has expertise in the field of Medical Imaging and Dosimetry providing computational solutions for personalized and precise medicine. We use advance computational techniques including Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and 4D anthropomorphic and animal models. Our aim is to provide robust and accurate solutions, supporting researchers’ and clinicians’ daily routine.

The group is very active in National and EU R&D projects with a large worldwide network of collaborators providing innovative tools contributing to the field. Access in High Performance Computing (HPC) resources accelerates our research leading to robust results. There is also great experience in Project Management and Coordination, as well as in Dissemination, Exploitation and Training activities.

Services & Tools

monte carlo simulations

Monte Carlo Simulations

Nuclear Medical Imaging, Dosimetry, DNA simulations

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning, Prediction models, Deep Learning, Explainable AI

anthropomorphic and animal models

Anthropomorphic & Animal Models

3D Voxelized phantoms, Customized models

medical image processing

Medical Image Processing

Segmentation, Reconstruction, Radiomics, Quantification

Network & Collaborators

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    Software Tools

    Looking for more info?

    Download the Software Tools Brochure

    Software Tools Brochure | PDF
